
Because entrepreneurship should no longer be a risk

30 May 2024

Axa is proud to become one of the sponsors of this year’s EPHJ trade fair and to present itself as a key partner for all SMEs active in Switzerland. For 20 years, EPHJ has been bringin...
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“The high-precision industry will overcome this crisis”

Interview of Alexandre Catton, EPHJ Director The 2020 EPHJ Show was initially postponed until September and then cancelled altogether due to the COVID-19 crisis. What has that been like for you? It has been a very difficult time because I felt so bad for our exhibitors who were relying on EPHJ to get their business […]

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Editorial – The post-COVID world starts now!

For over eight months now, our masked world has been living to the rhythm of pandemic statistics and the introduction, easing and re-introduction of lockdowns, as we wait for some semblance of freedom to return. In these anxious times, the high-precision industry has had to deal with blows to the aviation and automotive sectors and, […]

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The five finalists of the Grand Prix des Exposants EPHJ are known !

The world after is now ! The coronavirus crisis has not slowed down our exhibitors’ spirit of innovation and talent. If anything, the opposite is true. Just look at all the innovations submitted for the 2020 Exhibitors Grand Prix! The 2020 Exhibitors Grand Prix Jury met on Thursday, October 15, 2020 and selected five nominees. […]

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BMF Reveals the microArch S240: The First Micro-Precision 3D Printer for Industrial Production

Boston Micro Fabrication (BMF), the pioneer in microscale 3D printing systems, today unveiled the microArch™ S240, the first and only micro-precision 3D printer designed to meet the needs of short-run industrial production. This newest printer in BMF’s line combines a larger build volume, faster printing speeds and advanced materials with the same ultra-high resolution, accuracy […]

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More than one million escapements produced at Mimotec

In a market of 8.5 million mechanical watches, nearly 15% of escapements ( anchors, anchor wheels ) are produced by Mimotec SA. Founded in 1998 by Dr. Hubert Lorenz, Mimotec has established itself over the years as an important player in the watch industry. Better known for prototyping and small series, UV-LIGA technology is today […]

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EPHJ Trade Show 2020 cancelled

Following the Swiss Federal Council’s decision to extend the ban on events with more than 1,000 people to 1 October, we have had to cancel the 2020 EPHJ trade show, which was scheduled to run from 15 to 18 September. In light of the response from many exhibitors, the EPHJ Trade Show 2020 organisers pulled […]

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LASEA acquiert la société OPTEC, un des leaders historiques des machines laser de micro-usinage

Le groupe LASEA, un des leaders mondiaux pour le design et la fabrication de machines laser de précision, annonce le rachat de la majorité des parts de la société OPTEC. Basée à Frameries (Belgique) et à San Diego (USA), OPTEC est spécialisée dans le domaine des lasers UV et ultra-courts avec une présence importante sur […]

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Suisse: la Comco lève les obligations de Swatch Group sur les mouvements horlogers

La Commission de la concurrence (Comco) en Suisse ne va plus imposer d’obligation de livraison à la filiale de Swatch Group spécialisée dans les mouvements horlogers, a-elle annoncé mercredi, estimant cependant qu’elle reste « en position dominante ». « Après un examen approfondi du marché des mouvements mécaniques », l’autorité suisse de la concurrence a décidé de n’imposer « aucune […]

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Nouvelle gamme d’outils destinée à l’industrie horlogère de Brütsch/Rüegger Tools

Brütsch/Rüegger Tools lance sa nouvelle gamme d’outils pour l’industrie horlogère. En incluant plus de 10’000 articles, ce nouvel assortiment complète les 200’000 articles disponibles sur le catalogue en ligne. Le secteur « Horlogerie » créé à cet effet dans le ToolShop est désormais opérationnel. Depuis plusieurs décennies, les clients de l’industrie horlogère et de la […]

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