Prototyping a medtech idea: the trend is towards outsourcing

The medtech world has evolved a lot in recent years and dynamic new products are emerging. One of the major trends is the integration of digital functionalities, which not only enable patients to better take care of themselves by incorporating interfacing functions, but also enable these devices to be integrated into the world of data and digital medicine.

This trend means most of the traditional players are facing new challenges, not only when it comes to product design and development, but also in terms of access to highly specific skills and qualifications. Two main avenues are open to them: either develop these skills in-house or outsource them. Outsourcing is in line with the clear trend emerging over the last decade, especially in view of ongoing efforts to cut costs and boost operational efficiency. According to Med Device Online, the global medical device outsourcing market was worth an estimated $52 billion in 2019, up nearly 12% and outpacing the overall 7% growth of the medical device industry.

With the industrial dynamics of the field evolving in response to this underlying trend, it is important for those operators wishing to grow and develop in this sector to lean into this trend. To this end, EPHJ is continuing its close collaboration with Fondation Inartis, a key player in Health Valley.


Round Table session on 16th June 2022

Now that the demand for outsourced development and manufacturing services has spread to high-value segments of the medical device supply chain, the criteria OEMs use to select suppliers have become more stringent. In response to higher quality standards, competitive prices, scalability and technological proficiency demanded by customers, CMOs have become larger, more technically advanced and more vertically integrated.

With that in mind, attendees at the round table session on 16th June will discuss organisational and commercial models, the competencies of outsourcing organisations and the types of customer-supplier commitments that make it possible to address these new paradigms.

Meeting space / Booth

The Health Valley/Fondation Inartis booth will be on hand working to help highlight this booming sector and presenting the key players in the sector.

Watch Medtech Challenge

The Watch Medtech Innovation Challenge helps microtechnology industry players transition to the medtech sector. Launched at EPHJ 2018 in partnership with Fondation Inartis, the Challenge aims to help the Show’s exhibitors diversify.

In 2022, the Watch Medtech Challenge will focus on bringing professionals together, especially around digital skills.

Three good reasons to join us at EPHJ, whether as a service provider or as a potential or current beneficiary of this sector.

Benoît Dubuis and Juliette Lemaignen
Fondation Inartis

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